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AM2 – Artificial Mastication Advanced Machine
Université d’Auvergne
ACCUEIL  ::  masticator-eng




  • Roger-Leroi V, Mishellany-Dutour A, Woda A, Marchand M, Peyron MA. Substantiation of an artificial saliva formulated for use in a masticatory apparatus. Odontostomatol Trop. 35: 5-14, 2012.
  • Mishellany-Dutour A, Peyron MA, Croze J, François O, Hartmann C, Alric M, Woda A. Comparison of food boluses prepared in vivo and by the mastication simulator : AM2. Food Quality and Preference, 22: 326-336, 2011.
  • Peyron MA, Gierczynski I, Hartmann C, Martin N, Woda A. Role of physical bolus properties as sensory inputs in the trigger of swallowing. PLoS One, 6(6):e21167, 2011.
  • Loret C, Walter M, Pineau N, Peyron MA, Hartmann C, Martin N. Physical and related sensory properties of a swallowable bolus. Physiology and Behaviour, 104: 855-864, 2011.
  • Woda A, Hennequin M, Peyron MA. Mastication in Humans: finding a rationale. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 38: 781-784, 2011.
  • Woda A, Mishellany-Dutour A, Batier L, François O, Meunier JP, Reynaud B, Alric M, Peyron MA. Developpment and validation of a mastication simulator. Journal of Biomechanics, 43:1667-73, 2010.
  • Woda A, Nicolas E, Mishellany-Dutour A, Hennequin M, Mazille MN, Veyrune JL, Peyron MA. The masticatory normative indicator. Journal of dental research, 89:281-5, 2010.
  • Peyron M.A, Mishellany-Dutour A, Bourdiol P, Woda A, Poor Mastication could result in poor nutrition - the effects of age on oral functions and consequences on nutrition (chapter 1) - in : New research on nutrition for the middle-age and Elderly. Nova Sciences Publishers Inc., McLeod CL editor, PP1-29, 2008
  • Mazille MN, Woda A, Nicolas E, Peyron MA, Hennequin M. Effect of occlusal appliance wear on chewing in persons with Down syndrome. Physiology and Behaviour, 93:919-929, 2008.
  • Mishellany-Dutour A, Renaud J, Peyron MA, Woda A. Is the goal of mastication reached in young dentates, aged dentates, and aged denture wearers. Healthy and deficient mastication. British Journal of Nutrition, 99, 121-128, 2008.
  • Nicolas E, Veyrune JL, Lassauzay C, Peyron MA, Hennequin M. Validation of video versus electromyography for chewing evaluation of the elderly wearing a complete denture. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 34 : 566-571, 2007.
  • Veyrune JL, Lassauzay C, Nicolas E, Peyron MA, Woda A. Mastication of model products in complete denture wearers. Archives of Oral Biology, 52, 1180-1185, 2007.
  • Jalabert-Malbos ML, Mishellany A, Woda A, Peyron MA. Determination of the particle size distribution of ten natural foods by wet sieving. Food Quality and Preference, 18, 803-812, 2007.
  • Woda A, Mishellany A, Peyron MA. The regulation of masticatory function and food bolus transformation. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 33, 840-849, 2006.
  • Woda A, Foster K, Mishellany A, Peyron MA. Adaptation of healthy mastication to intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Physiology and Behavior, 89, 28-35, 2006.
  • Foster K, Woda A, Peyron MA. Effects of texture on masticatory parameters during chewing of plastic and elastic model foods. Journal of Neurophysiology, 95, 3469-3479, 2006.
  • Mishellany A, Woda A, Labas R, Peyron MA. The challenge of mastication: preparing a bolus suitable for deglutition. Dysphagia 21, 87-94, 2006.
  • Neyraud E, Peyron MA, Vieira C, Dransfield E. Influence of bitter taste on mastication pattern. Journal of Dental Research, 84(3), 250-254, 2005.
  • Hennequin M, Allison PJ, Veyrune JL, Faye M, Peyron MA. Clinical evaluation of mastication : validation of video versus electromyography. Clinical Nutrition, 24(2), 314-320, 2005.
  • Peyron MA, Mishellany A, Woda A. Particle size distribution of food boli after mastication of six natural foods. Journal of Dental Research, 83, 578-582, 2004.
  • Peyron MA, Blanc O, Lund J, Woda A. Influence of age on adaptability of human mastication. Journal of Neurophysiology, 92(2), 773-779, 2004.
  • Allison P, Peyron MA, Faye M, Hennequin M. Video validation of mastication. Validation in persons with down syndrome. Dysphagia, 19, 95-99, 2004.
  • Mioche L, Bourdiol P, Peyron MA. Influence of age on mastication : consequences on feeding behaviour. Nutrition Res Rev, 17, 43-54, 2004.
  • Ngom PI, Woda A. Influence of impaired mastication on nutrition. journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 87, 667-673, 2002.
  • Alfonso M, Neyraud E, Blanc O, Peyron MA, Dransfield E. Relationship between taste and chewing patterns of visco-elastic model foods. Journal of Sensory Studies, 17, 193-206, 2002.
  • Peyron MA, Lassauzay C, Woda A. Effects of increased hardness on jaw movement and muscle activity during chewing of visco-elastic model foods. Experimental Brain Research, 142(1), 41-51, 2002.
  • Lassauzay C, Peyron MA, Albuisson E, Dransfield E, Woda A. Variability of the masticatory process during chewing of elastic model foods. European Journal of Oral Science, 108, 484-492, 2000.
  • Peyron MA, Maskawi K, Woda A, Tanguay R, Lund JP. Effects of food texture and sample thickness on mandibular movement and hardness assessment during biting in man. Journal of Dental Research, 76, 1-7, 1997.